As you can tell it's been quote a while since my last posting on this blog. Well, let me catch you up!
During my visit back to Michigan with my family last June, I found myself unnaturally tired, and TMI, but my tatas hurt an incredible amount. Welp, Thanks to WebMD I bought a pregnancy test and after about 4 of those saying POSITIVE I called Mike to let him know! I wish I could have been there with him to let him know, but I was going to be in MI for another three weeks and I could not contain my excitement.
When I came back to FL, my mind when topsy turvy. I finally decided to go back home to MI to be with family for the sake of our little one not being raised with out a large support system that could be provided between our two families.
My moms fiance was nice enough to let me take over his upstairs of his house and make a nursery and everything, a good place to start saving for our next goals. Mike came back two months later when he found another job up here. I missed him so much!! When he came back it was just in time to find out the gender of our little bundle. A BOY! <3 I worked in a butcher shop and at a gas station until I hit 7 months and was already somewhat miserable.
I have to say - I will happily go through another 10 rough Michigan winters before I stay a whole summer in Florida again. That was the true definition of rough, I wasn't made for that weather. I'm thinking when we head back out on the road when baby boy is a little older we'll head west and hit the Colorado area.
The day finally come when baby boy was ready to come out. And to be 100% honest he was totally ready, but mom pushed him out three days early from his due date with castor oil. I don't know if you've ever tried it and what your experience was with it, but it put me in an 18 hour miserable labor. He was born on Feb 27, 2016. He's still pretty new at this point. Zakai Valence was born 8.4 lbs and 20 inches long. He was beautiful and has continued to blossom a beautiful color and personality only at almost three weeks old (wow).
Well, this will be my last post until he's older and we get back on our beloved road. Our path is the same, we've just taken blessed detour for a time. I may even start a new blog for my mom adventures.
Love you all <3